AGM and Free Seminar

October 19, 2016 06:30 PM - tba - Ottawa

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Date: October 19th, 2016
Time: 6:30pm

Hellenic Community Center, 1315 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, Ontario

It is once again AGM season! Members are encouraged to join us for the 2016 AGM to learn more about the exciting initiatives that the CCI-Eastern Ontario Chapter has undertaken during the past year, and projections for the upcoming year. The election for 2016/17 Board of Directors also takes place at the AGM. Along with other key documents, the Call for Nominations will be included with the notice package coming out shortly. – This is an excellent opportunity for members to become more involved with our vibrant chapter.

AGM Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Appointment of Scrutineers

3. Adoption of Minutes of the meeting held on October 15th, 2015*

4. President's Report

5. Treasurer's Report [A] Financial Review* [B] Budget 2017*

6. By-law Amendment [A] By Laws for CCI Eastern Ontario* [B] ACCI Code of Ethics*

7. Appointment of Review Engagement for the fiscal year 2015/2016

8. Report on CCI-National

9. Membership Report

10. Education Report

11. Election of three Directors

12. Election Results

13. New Business

14. Adjournment

In order to access the Instrument of Proxy, List of Candidates and Nomination form, please download the Meeting Package:

Download Meeting Package

Vacancies on the CCI-EO Board of Directors

This year the Board of Directors for CCI Eastern Ontario will be seeking individuals to fill three (3) three-­year term vacancies on the Board.

The Board of Directors consists of nine to eleven members and is currently comprise of the following:

The board of CCI Eastern Ontario meets monthly by conference call and has 2 Strategic planning session a year.

All professions are encouraged to seek a position on the Board. If you are interested in a position on the Board and would like to be included in the slate proposed in the AGM package being distributed the week of September 26th please contact the Eastern Ontario Chapter's office at or 613-755-5145 by Monday September 26th.

Following the AGM, a complimentary session for attendees will be held. The topic this year is:

How to Chair an AGM

Ottawa lawyer Jim Davidson will share some of his own tips and tricks on how to make sure that your AGM is effective, efficient, and productive. This is an evening that will provide not only education and entertainment, but also your opportunity to get involved in your local CCI Chapter.

Your Board of Directors would like to thank you in advance for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you on October 19th, 2015.

Please Confirm You Attendance– Register Today

Registration is closed.

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© 2024 CCI Eastern Ontario Chapter
78 George Street, Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 5W1