Green Energy Retrofits and Financing - **POSTPONED**

March 25, 2020 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM - Bayview Yards

Wednesday, March 25, 2020  **Postponed Until Further Notice**

Registration: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Seminar: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Bayview Yards
7 Bayview Station Road
Ottawa ON

This event will be held at Bayview Yards, a repurposed unique environmentally conscientious building. Pursuing LEED certification which will promotes high performance building standards including sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality.  
Members: Complimentary
Non-Members: $50 plus HST
Light refreshments will be served.


Join us for an evening to discuss the topic of green energy and financing! Our expert panel will provide information on green energy options and financing for high-rise, low-rise and townhouse communities. Presentations will cover the following topics:

Our Featured Speakers:

Phil Clarke, Envari

Bio coming soon.

Aaron Thornell, CoEnergy Ontario Co-operative

Aaron Thornell is the acting General Manager of CoEnergy Co-operative, and helped incorporate the organization in 2018. He continues to work with the Ottawa Renewable Energy Co-operative as Communications Manager. Aaron managed project development with both co-operatives, and is committed to supporting the growth of the low-carbon economy in the Ottawa region where he grew up. He is a firm believer in the co-operative model, and a grassroots approaches to achieving positive social and environmental change. Aaron holds a Bachelor of Arts degree Community Development and History from St. Francis Xavier University. He is a former OceanPath Fellow, and currently volunteers with various community organizations towards social and climate justice.

Daniel Vivian, P.Eng., The Building Science Trust Inc.

Daniel Vivian P.Eng., is a mechanical engineer with over 35 years of engineering experience with the last 20 years focused on Building Science Consulting (capital planning and energy conservation). He has a business to help building owners who want to reduce their environmental impact to move off fossil fuels as efficiently as possible. He will discuss the environmental impact of fossil fuels, it's significance in the building industry and how property managers can assist condominium boards and their members in moving off fossil fuels. This discussion will include insights into the most promising Energy Conservation Measures, the comparable costs of various fuels and solar power and shows how owners can move their buildings to Net Zero economically (i.e., the building produces as much energy as it uses).  

Our Moderator:

Justin Tudor, P.Eng., Keller Engineering

Keller Engineering is a multi-disciplinary engineering and building science firm offering structural, building envelope, mechanical, and electrical services, specializing in post-construction building rehabilitation and maintenance. Keller Engineering has been providing tailored services to the condominium sector since its establishment in 1982, preparing its first condominium RFS in 1986. Justin Tudor, P.Eng., has supervised and performed hundreds of Reserve Fund Studies and Performance Audits for condominiums throughout eastern Ontario and is a board member of CCI-Eastern Ontario. 


6:00 – 7:00 pm Registration
7:00 – 7:05 pm Welcome and Opening Remarks
7:05 – 7:25pm Topic:  EV Readiness and Chargers
Speaker:  Phil Clarke
7:25 – 7:45 pm Topic: Turnkey, Fully Financed Energy Retrofits for Multi-unit Residential Buildings
Speaker: Aaron Thornell
7:45 – 8:05 pm Topic: Net Zero Annual Energy Consumption (i.e. make buildings produce as much energy as they use)
Energy Conservation
Speaker:  Daniel Vivian
8:05 – 8:25 pm Question & Answer Period
Moderator: Justin Tudor
8:25 – 8:30 pm Closing Remarks


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78 George Street, Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 5W1