April 27, 2022 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM - Zoom Webinar
A recording of this webinar is available on the Webinar Recordings page in the Members Only Area

Panel Discussion on Leaks and Window Replacement/Retrofit programs

Leaky windows?  Drafts? Noise?  Make them disappear and find out how.  You have choices - you can replace or you can rehabilitate them.  Learn from the experts so that you can make the best decision for your site. 


speakerStephanie Robinson, P.Eng.
WSP Canada Inc.

Stephanie Robinson is the Director of Eastern Canada Building Sciences for WSP Canada Inc. Based in Ottawa, Ontario, she has over 14 years’ of experience in investigation, design, contract administration and construction review of building envelope components for new and existing construction in Canada and the United States. Stephanie specializes in replacement and renewal of cladding assemblies, reserve fund studies and capital planning advisory services; she leads technical decisions for project teams across the country. Stephanie has served on the Board for the Building Envelope Council Ottawa Region (BECOR) and currently sits on the Board of the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC), Quebec Ontario Chapter.

speakerJocelyn Bédard
President, Groupe Fenestra

Jocelyn Bédard is the founder of Groupe Fenestra. He is an expert in sealing building envelopes. He founded and operated Zerodraft Quebec, a Building Envelope Specialist.

He has a talent for returning existing windows to, or beyond, their original performance. This often involves using his inventive mind and problem solving skills, to develop new components, especially those that increase the energy efficiency.  

His interest in sustainability based business began in 1994, when he founded Bioverdure, the first certified organic fertilization company in Quebec.  Before that he was a helicopter pilot assigned to forest fires in northern Quebec.  He has received training in machining, welding, hydraulics, etc.

His practical background and creativity, along with his interest in sustainability are Fenestra’s cornerstone capabilities

speakerModerator: Val Khomenko
Icon Property Management

Val Khomenko  is a senior condominium manager with Icon Property Management based in Toronto, ON. While a former resident of Ottawa, Val continues to contribute to CCI Eastern Ontario by serving on Management Advisory Committee & Education Committee respectively. Val entered the industry in 2014 as an administrator and has grown exponentially in his roles since. His dedication and commitment to the industry is limitless



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78 George Street, Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 5W1