How to Cope with Mental Health Issues in Condominiums

December 5, 2022 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM - Online

Mental Health issues affect more residents of condominiums than any other form of housing. Failing to understand and thoroughly deal with the issues facing the communities can lead to significant challenges for Boards and Management.
Join our panel of experts as they discuss the mental health kit and how to cope with mental health issues in condominiums. Including topics such as: 


speakerNadia Freeman, ACCI
Vice President of Operations
Capital Integral Property Management

Nadia is a highly motivated and achievement-oriented real estate professional with an impressive 40 years of hands-on expertise in the real estate industry; offering a wealth of experience and knowledge in managing multiple residential, condominium and commercial properties. Nadia is a Judge for the Canadian Federation Housing Awards as well as a Supreme Court appointed Administrator/Inspector.

Nadia was part of the Condominium Management Regulatory of Ontario (CMRAO), Stakeholder Condominium Implementation Working Group, implementing changes to the Act.

She has been appointed by the CMRAO to hear complaints or appeals filed with the Discipline Committee and the Appeals Committee and is a committee member for preparing course documents and competencies for both Limited Licensees and General Licensees.

speakerVal Khomenko, OLCM
Senior Condominium Manager
ICON Property Management

Val Khomenko is a senior condominium manager with Icon Property Management based in Toronto, ON. While a former resident of Ottawa, Val continues to contribute to CCI Eastern Ontario by serving on Management Advisory Committee & Education Committee respectively. Val entered the industry in 2014 as an administrator and has grown exponentially in his roles since. His dedication and commitment to the industry is limitless.


speakerMichela Trimboli
Psychotherapy & Consulting
Registered Social Worker, MSW, RSW

Michela Trimboli is a Registered Social Worker, MSW, RSW and supports clients navigating challenges in their lives, such as anxiety, depression and self-identity/actualization. Her therapeutic goal is to understand their core values and make efforts to support them in aligning their actions with who they are. This is accomplished by recognizing their unique needs and ensuring the appropriate therapeutic techniques specific to their presenting challenge.


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78 George Street, Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 5W1