Program Sponsorship Opportunities Current Sponsors Exhibit Registration


Program May 3, 2024

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Attendees are eligible for one (1) CMRAO Continuing Professional Education credit for each session. When submitting your CMRAO credits through your user account on the CMRAO website, you will require a certificate of completion. Certificates will be provided to the email address used for registration within one month of the Conference.


8:00 a.m.

Registration and Breakfast with Exhibitors

9:00 a.m.

Opening Remarks

9:15 a.m.

Flames & Finances: Fire Safety in Condos

With the current inflation, interest rates and economic challenges, we are seeing an increased need from Condo Corporations, Boards and Managers to find cost saving initiatives. We hear from Fire Safety conscientious clients everyday who want to ensure their buildings stay in compliance yet are facing more budget restraints than ever before. Industry experts will discuss some of the most common Fire Code challenges in a condominium setting, how to stay ahead of them, plan for them and how condos can save money by doing so. Experts will discuss ways to triage recommended and upcoming Fire Code Compliance projects to help budget and plan accordingly, and also provide guidance on how to develop effective fire and life safety plans.

Nancy Houle, LLB, ACCI, Lawyer, Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Vince Bennett, Bendale Property Management
Michele Farley, FCS Fire Consulting Services Ltd.
Kingston Fire & Rescue

10:30 a.m.

Break with Exhibitors

11:00 a.m.

Financial Crunches

When in a financial crunch, how do you decide if you should defer the work, increase condo fees, levy a special assessment or obtain a loan? Our experts will simplify this decision-making process for you and provide a road map for decision making when the funds available fall short of the funds required.

Natasha Mayhew, BBA, OLCM, RCM, Regional Manager, EOPMG
Patricia Elia, Elia Associates PC
Ryan Griffiths, Condominium Lending Group
Michael Park, RJC Engineers

12:00 p.m.

Lunch with Exhibitors

1:00 p.m.

Condos in Crisis

Start your engines, we’re racing!

The pace of change and pressures in the condominium industry are growing at an exponential rate across Canada and certainly in Ontario. Owners and professionals are having to deal with building quality and integrity issues in new construction, increasingly higher condominium fees, and a short supply of property managers and trained industry professionals. We cannot stop change but what can we do to better manage these pressures and close the gaps ? What should we stop doing and how can we adapt ? Prominent industry professionals will tackle these questions and we can all learn how the industry and condominium owners can close the gaps.

Andrée Ball, LCCI, Director of Client Relations, Keller Engineering

Anne Burgoon, BSc, RCM, OLCM, LCCI, Vice President, Eastern Ontario Property Management Group
Justin Tudor, P.Eng., LCCI, Keller Engineering
Nancy Houle, LLB, ACCI, Lawyer, Davidson Houle Allen LLP

2:15 p.m.

Break with Exhibitors

2:45 p.m.

Legal Panel

Mock-Trial-Style Case Law Update!

Get the latest and greatest updates on the most compelling cases. The grand finale of the conference. Come hear condominium lawyers take up the positions of parties from recent case law. Instead of recounting the case, the participants will argue the merits, a judge will make a decision, and a neutral (maybe) lawyer will explain the outcome. Don’t miss the action!

Christy Allen, Partner, Davidson Houle Allen, LLP
Melinda Andrews, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
Graeme Macpherson, Gowlings WLG (Canada) LLP
Jonathan Wright, Elia Associates PC
Megan Molloy, Elia Associates PC

3:45 p.m.

Closing Remarks

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