Program September 22, 2023

8:00 a.m.

Registration Starts

9:00 a.m.

Welcome Remarks

9:05 a.m.

Plenary Room

Flames & Finances: Fire Safety in Condos

With the current inflation, interest rates and economic challenges, we are seeing an increased need from Condo Corporations, Boards and Managers to find cost saving initiatives. We hear from Fire Safety conscientious clients everyday who want to ensure their buildings stay in compliance yet are facing more budget restraints than ever before. Industry experts will discuss some of the most common Fire Code challenges in a condominium setting, how to stay ahead of them, plan for them and how condos can save money by doing so. Experts will discuss ways to triage recommended and upcoming Fire Code Compliance projects to help budget and plan accordingly, and also provide guidance on how to develop effective fire and life safety plans.

MODERATOR: Nancy Houle, LCCI, Davidson Houle Allen LLP

Michele Farley, FCS Fire Consulting Services Ltd.
Jessica Ansah, RCM, Reid Management
Gwen Lewis, Division Chief, Prevention Division, Ottawa Fire Services

10:15 a.m.

Break with Exhibitors

10:45 a.m.

Concurrent Session
Plenary Room

Troublesome Tenants?

Cohabitation among owner-occupied units, owner-leased units, and tenant occupants, is not always easy. As a result, there has been an increasing number of condo cases involving tenants. What most of these cases bring to light is the interplay between the overlapping legislation regulating condos and those regulating tenancies. How do condos navigate this interplay? What are the key steps that condominium corporations should take when dealing with troublesome tenants and their landlord owners? Join this panel of experts to find out!

Rod Escayola, Gowlings WLG
Victoria Craine, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
Debbie MacEwen, RCM, Condominium Management Group

Concurrent Session
Breakout Room A

Financial Crunches

When in a financial crunch, how do you decide if you should defer the work, increase condo fees, levy a special assessment or obtain a loan? Our experts will simplify this decision-making process for you and provide a road map for decision making when the funds available fall short of the funds required.

MODERATOR: Anne Burgoon, RCM, Eastern Ontario Property Management Group

Patricia Elia, Elia Associates
Steve Christison, P.Eng., Keller Engineering
Natasha Mayhew, Eastern Ontario Property Management Group
Luka Milidragovic, Morrison Financial

Concurrent Session
Breakout Room B

Leaks, Losses and Liabilities: Dealing with insurance and repair issues

When an insurable loss happens, there are many issues faced by a condominium corporation, from how to address the initial response, when/what can be charged back, what evidence is needed if there is a dispute over the chargeback? Join our panel of experts as they walk you step by step through how to deal with an insurable loss.

MODERATOR: Jonathan Wright, Elia Associates

Tom Gallinger, Vice President, Atrens-Counsel Insurance Brokers
Gerry Bourdeau, RCM, Condominium Management Group
Megan Molloy, Elia Associates
Jon Juffs, C.E.T., LCCI, Vice President, Building Facilities, McIntosh Perry

12:00 p.m.

Lunch with Exhibitors

1:00 p.m.

Concurrent Session
Plenary Room

Condos Going Green

How is the City supporting condo boards in understanding their current energy & water performance and identify conservation opportunities. What can other industry experts and providers offer to assist condos in going green?

This session will include the following:

  • City water conservation incentives & Better Buildings-specific perks & best practices
  • How Condos & Multi Residential buildings perform in general and versus top-performers
  • City GHG targets & supports for financing (high-rise & low-rise)
  • EV charging opportunities & case studies
  • Recycling/composting in condos: City supports & best practices
  • Any legal challenges of interest to the group

Shelley Seaby, Director of Management Services, Condominium Management Group 
Noah Johnston,
Vice President, Sentinel Management

Marie Hanchet, Project Manager, Environmental Program Climate Change and Resiliency Unit Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development, City of Ottawa
Steve Hubbard, Director of Sales & Business Development, Partner, Lightenco
George Hendry, CCC 621 Board Director

Concurrent Session
Breakout Room A

Accessibility, Accommodation and Actions: Human Rights Considerations in Condos

The focus of this session is to assist condominium boards and managers in reviewing requests for accommodation in the Human Rights context and planning ahead to make condos more accessible. We are seeing an increase in requests for accommodation in the condominium industry, in particular as it applies to accessibility. This session will look at:

  1. Steps to be taken when a request for accommodation is received in order to meet the condominium corporations procedural and substantive duties under the Code, including relevant case law;
  2. How modifications to the common elements for human rights reasons can be funded; and
  3. Steps condominium corporations can take now to be proactive and to be prepared in the event of a request for accommodation or a human rights dispute.

This session will provide condominium directors and managers with information needed to protect the condominium corporation and to help make condominiums more accessible.

Cheryll Wood, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
Emily Deng, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
Andrea Burns, Property Manager, OLCM

Concurrent Session
Breakout Room B

Condos In Crisis

Start your engines, we’re racing!

The pace of change and pressures in the condominium industry are growing at an exponential rate across Canada and certainly in Ontario. Owners and professionals are having to deal with building quality and integrity issues in new construction, increasingly higher condominium fees, and a short supply of property managers and trained industry professionals. We cannot stop change but what can we do to better manage these pressures and close the gaps ? What should we stop doing and how can we adapt ? Prominent industry professionals will tackle these questions and we can all learn how the industry and condominium owners can close the gaps. 

MODERATOR: Andrée Ball, LCCI, Keller Engineering

Nancy Houle, LCCI, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
Justin Tudor, P.Eng., LCCI, Keller Engineering
Yawar Khan, RCM, Apollo CI Condo Management

2:15 p.m.

Break with Exhibitors

2:45 p.m.

Plenary Room

Final Session Legal Panel

The always popular, educational, and exciting legal extravaganza returns!  Join our legal experts as they bring us up to speed on the hottest, best, or most interesting current legal cases and issues!

MODERATOR: Michael Lewicki, LCCI, Terra Firma

Christy Allen, LCCI, Davidson Houle Allen LLP
Richard Elia, ACCI, Elia Associates
Graeme Macpherson, Gowlings WLG

4:00 p.m.

Closing Remarks


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78 George Street, Suite 204, Ottawa, ON K1N 5W1